I live on the Humbug Reach of Brisbane River at New Farm and for the last 20 years have been taking photos of the variety of boats and people that pass. In the early years 2000-03 I was working overseas so not so many photos, from 2004 I was still working and away from the site a lot of the time. I retired in 2015 and have spent more time “on the veranda”.

Photos are taken when I’m at home (no backup photographer) and when I notice the actual boat and not all boats are photographed. Photos are from an elevated location & usually show the boat full screen and in some cases, with extra zoom the crew and passengers can be seen in reasonable detail. The background ranges from Canning Bridge over Norman Creek to upstream of the Mowbray Park ferry terminal.

In the early 2000’s digital cameras were fairly new and of limited capability, photos over this period also included some negative film. Over the years I’ve changed cameras and currently have a Nikon with 400mm zoom and a Nikon P1000.

Search can be by date (camera date) and by boat category (not always able to see a name or a registration number). Categories cover both boats and related activities.